Winter is coming...


Winter is coming...

Neglecting your hair can lead to breakage, this is especially true during the winter months, when the temperature is a lot cooler and the air is drier. During the winter it is recommended to minimise manipulation of the hair, which is why most people opt for protective hairstyles such as weaves, braids etc. However, this isn't always the most appealing option if you're like me and still want to wear your hair out, so you'll be looking for another way to protect your hair without from the horrible weather but still rock the afro once in a while. I have put together 4 easy head scarf ideas for those who still want to look cute, whilst protecting those strands and 3 tips for naturalistas this winter.

3 tips on winter-proofing our hair!

1.  Protect those ends! Try your best to keep your ends tucked away to minimise moisture loss and also prevents your hair from rubbing against your scarves and coat collars etc. and will therefore stop breakage. 
2. Retain moisture. This is the time to be vigilant with your moisturising routine! Keep your scalp and hair strands moisturised and if possible switch to stronger sealants as opposed to light oils to provide longer lasting moisture.
3. Use less heat. Already indoor moisture will suck the heat from your hair so using straighteners and curlers will just add to the damage

4 easy headscarf ideas! 


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Help this was useful and hope you and all your hair strands make it through the winter!

Until next time!

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