Natural Hair movement


Natural Hair movement

Until recently I have always felt apprehensive about wearing my natural hair out as opposed to chemically straightening it or wearing weaves. In June 2014 I made the brave decision to cut all my hair off and basically start again but it was only February of this year that I felt confident enough to actually wear my naturally kinky hair out and this is massively because of the naturalistas I've seen all over social media as part of the natural hair movement.

I believe that internalised racism is one of the main reasons that I have been too embarrassed to embrace the hair that God gave me. Internalised racism is a form of systematic oppression where people of colour are unconsciously supporting white power and privilege. In this society where racial prejudice thrives in communities and popular culture it is inevitable that minorities will absorb racist messages that constantly bombard them. Its quite common for POCs to adopt a white supremacist mindset and this results in self loathing and hatred of characteristics that distinguish you as a black or Asian person, for example skin colour or hair texture.

I was really encouraged by the images of other women wearing their natural hair out so here are some of mine I hope they inspire you and squash the notion that only loosely curled hair, found on those of mixed ancestry,  is beautiful.

I won't lie and say I'm never going to wear a weave or wig again but I will definitely never chemically straighten my hair again and I will question myself whether the change I want to make to my physical appearance is to enhance my natural features or to meet an unrealistic white standards of beauty.

Until next time xx

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