

Body shaming

Body shaming is the practice of making critical, potentially humiliating comments about a persons body size or weight. 

Fat shaming is a form of body shaming directed at those who are overweight, or somewhat larger than what is deemed acceptable by society. Fat shaming is often used to make the victim feel ashamed of their weight or eating habits, in the hope of motivating them to make dietary changes, or sometimes simply to taunt the victim.  Usually, the attacker is someone of smaller physique or someone who has not struggled with weight issues themselves. Some believe that by making remarks on ones body, it will encourage the victim will be motivated to changing habits, however, psychologists completed research and found that fat shaming does not motivate weight loss, instead it does the opposite by causing the person to gain more weight. Alongside the weight gain, depression, eating disorders and reduced self esteem have followed.
Body types usually come with harmful stereotypes as depicted in this image. 
Society glorifies certain physiques depending on what is trending at that point in time and sometimes those who do not fit into that box will be shamed. Therefore, I would like to eliminate any notion that body shaming is only towards those who are overweight/ bigger. Uncalled for comments on a skinny/petite persons body is also body shaming, such comments include 'you need to put some meat on those bones', 'only dogs want bones, real women have curves'. These comments are usually from those who are larger as a way of reclaiming a sense of body positivity for themselves. The 2017 Superbowl was followed by tweets and articles body someone who wouldn't be described as large, Lady Gaga. The 'Poker Face' singer performed phenomenally, yet many the media focused on her stomach hanging out over her shorts. They called her flabby, fat and referred to her stomach as 'pudge'. Whilst its not uncommon for the media to criticise the female form, many like myself, were shocked because Lady Gaga did not deserve such judgement and slight body fat or excess skin is normal. This may be because the media is saturated with images of bodies that have been photo-shopped and had so much plastic surgery, that we no longer recognise the body in its natural form.
Lady Gaga's SuperBowl performance 2017. 
Serena Williams is another woman who has endured her fair share of body shaming alongside some backhanded comments regarding her figure, sexuality and gender, instead of all she has accomplished. Regarding the body shaming she has faced, Serena responded with : ' I try to tell other women particularly young girls. You have to love you and if you don't love you o one else will. And if you do love you people will see that and they will love you too.'

Serena Williams, professional tennis player with a total of 23 Grand Slam titles yet her achievements are continually overlooked.
Though both of the examples of body shaming I have used have been women, men have also been victims of this harassment. However, unlike men, a woman's attractiveness is often pegged on her appearance, leaving to comparison, competition and comments.  Its time we start to judge people by their character and remember body's come in all shapes and sizes, there is no one right body.

Until next time,

Chengetai Victoria

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