Jord watches


Spring is blooming with JORD

January 2017 I told myself I told myself this is the time to say yes to new opportunities to try out different looks and step out of the norm and my comfort box. Whether it has been wearing red faux locs with an all red outfit or attending events alone (which prior to January 2017, I would never have done) I definitely been pushing my own boundaries. As we are stepping into spring I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to reflect on how well I have been doing. Each time I have said yes to something outside of my comfort zone I have gained extra confidence in myself and so much growth.

 A new season means a new chapter, so this spring why not try saying yes to something you wouldn't normally have ever done, you might enjoy it and if not you can only grow stronger. Admittedly trying new things is daunting, leaving your comfort zone puts you in a vulnerable position. But don't let fear of the unknown stop you! I'm not saying jumping out the plane or anything, but maybe try a completely experiment with different hair styles, start that blog/business, say hello to the good looking girl/guy at the party who you think would never talk to you or go on an impromptu solo adventure abroad.

''In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.” - Gordon Hinckley

In the spirit of trying something new I dabbled in photography, creative directing and styling recently with the help of my friends. This blog post features a beautiful wooden watch from Jord Watches and they have a give away for you all.  Enter using the link below and you could win $100 to spend on your very own Jord Watch.

Instagram : @jordwatches
Until Next time,

Chengetai Victoria
Luxury Wooden Watch

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